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Frequently asked
What is the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund federal tax ID number?The Federal Tax ID number (also known as an EIN, Employer Identification Number) 84-1170689. Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Are donations made to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund tax-deductible?Yes, monetary donations to JCCF are tax-deductible; we advise you check with your tax professionals.
Can I donate anonymously and still get a tax receipt?Yes, if you wish to donate anonymously, you can submit only an email to receive an automatic tax receipt and provide no further personal information.
How do I make a donation in honor or memory of someone?It’s easy to celebrate the life of a friend or loved one by making a donation to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund in their honor or memory. Simply complete the information in the Gift Type portion of the donation form.
Is the family notified of my donation amount?No. Once your gift is processed, the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund will send a letter to the honoree or family acknowledging your gift, if an address for the honoree/family is provided. The amount of money donated through memorial or honor donations is kept confidential.
How long does it take to receive an acknowledgment letter from the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund?Please allow up to three weeks for a paper letter to be created and delivered by USPS. Online donations receive an automated receipt are typically sent within 24 hours.
What assets can I use to make a gift to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund?Generally speaking, during your lifetime you can make an outright gift of cash, securities, or other property (e.g., real estate, personal property). Through your will or with a distribution from a retirement plan or life insurance policy, your gift can be designated to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund in accordance with your wishes.
What tax forms do I need to make a planned gift?To assist you and your financial advisor in structuring planned gift contributions, here is a copy of the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund’s tax-exempt letter.
Can I make monthly, automatic donations to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund?When you pledge to give a specific monthly donation by credit card — in an amount you are comfortable with — you join a group of committed supporters helping give cowboys a handup. Set up monthly giving online at
Why should I donate monthly?Monthly giving to Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund is simply the best cowboy investment that you can make – it’s the most effective and manageable way you can support our efforts to assist cowboys and their families during catastrophic injuries.
When will my credit card first be charged?
All monthly charges occur on the 15th of each month.
Will I receive verification of my donations for tax purposes?
Monthly donors receive a receipt after the auto donation is processed.
Once I've made an online gift to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund, how can I make changes to my account, i.e. change the amount, change my credit card number, or stop payment?Call us at 719-528-4726.
What if I need to stop giving? Can I stop whenever I want?
Yes, just let us know by calling us at 719-528-4726.
Can I donate cryptocurrencies to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund?Currently, we do not accept cryptocurrencies.
What is the address to mail my donation to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund?Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund 101 Pro Rodeo Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Can I donate online?Yes, donations may be made online at, With the efficiency of online systems, online donating is recommended.
How do I apply for Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund assistance?You must complete the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund application and submit a signed doctors form. Requirements are outlined in the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund application packet. Click here.
Will you review my case and provide assistance if I’m missing any part of the application?No. Your case will not be reviewed until we receive the fully completed application, a statement from your doctor, a statement from you outlining your needs and information regarding other assistance you may be receiving.
Will you back date my assistance to my injury date?No. Assistance is not retroactive and if you qualify for assistance, it will be awarded based on the date of your application, not your injury.
Can I compete while on assistance?No. Receiving Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund comes with the condition that you may not compete while receiving them. You will forfeit subsequent payments if you elect to return to rodeo competition before the end of your approved assistance.
If my doctor releases me to rodeo before my assistance is up, can I got back to rodeo.If you are released to return to rodeo, please notify us. Remaining assistance payments will be canceled, and we ask for an update from your doctor for our records.
Can I coordinate a fundraiser for JCCF?Yes, JCCF relies on individuals and organizations that share our vision for helping injured Professional Rodeo Athletes. Complete the fundraiser form online for review, located here.
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